I'd like to speak to someone... even to a mirror.


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I'd like to speak to someone... even to a mirror.

I'd like to tell to anyone about anything. The words i learned and lived are now asking me to speak them out. It's not because i want to look like anyone, and is too bad that that's one of the reason that keeps me silent all the time, I just feel that if I can speak my thoughts it would be better, whatever 'good' means to you. Crashes are part of the game, but how can we be sure of what we think we understand to be important and true without exercicing them. Healthy communication has a big price, yet it seems as though a lot of unnecessary inhibitions make it uneccessary difficult. Always assuming words aren't being used for other-than-apparent purposes we can be more attentive to what and why everyone is trying to share making the time more ..call it at least ..interesting. Truth is addictive even when it's painful, and when we realize we might have it a sense of victory is felt. If only we could try to first fix our glasses and microscopes before engaging in conversations. Even a joke on you viewed with a different light could be worth a value. Egos dictate what we listen to in a way, because it affects it, yet making the comparison of the worthiness of this dialogue with other moments is a lot of times a force of habit... the spoiling of the discussion as a result of our personal standarts. Discrimination of thoughts is as helpful as it is easily abused, unconsciously most of the time,...


ps: for those who didn't get any of my points here's an abbriated list.

1. Urge to ramble
2. Wish to show myself and you that i know smth
3. Unexplained reaction to having to go at work
4. The will to make more important the importance of the propagation of the concept "Listen, understand, evaluate, hypothize"
for smth that's good to do ,non-significant in size but significant nonetheless since it's still energy manipulated with a purpose
5. The assumption that i do own a sense of humor that could suit the rest of the surrounding.
6. The most important point is again the reinforcment of productive communication, if you can call it that at different points of it (of the life-learning experience

PS: A Weird special thanks to the Big and Complicated World we live in, that has provided us with plenty of dream construction abilities and material. And a special thanks to the current chemical and other-than-material sources of this flow and arrangment of words. Excuse the nerdiness or ordinary nature of what i wrote, if it appears that way. PEACE!

ps: ne catine e kujt ta hedh kete dhemballen ? /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif


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Re: I'd like to speak to someone... even to a mirror.

Une nuk jam pasqyre po edhe si cati jam ulet shume,te mbetet ta mbash ne xhep,me mire pa deshire fare se me mos-realizim.
Ka nja njezet vjet qe kam hipur ne nje metro ku nuk ka kembe njeriu,nga mos-komunikimi u cmenda dhe fillova te flas me veten.Ja pse s'dukem normal ndonjehere...
The urge to...have someone to talk to...


Primus registratum
Re: I'd like to speak to someone... even to a mirror.

Topic opener, this guy is a friend of mine. In more than one sense, cuz we all got buddies and party spoilers like ourselves to go blunt blazing and deal making. But he's a bit (bit?) deeper than that, right G.
I have to agree though, some of us got that freaking appetite for heart to heart. A moment of reflection when sences are advanced to the next level with whatever means at hand. Lights seem more lucid and moist when you hear that "click" which anounces "your point just got across and was fully received and understood on the other end of the line. Satisfaction, kinda like ectasy.

I will now shut the hell up cuz i feel my friend here has had chemical advantage while i have only gulped down a muddy coffee on an early saturday morning. I'm just too sober for this shit.

Gasta GO! Yo! Call me up dogg, i'm feening.


Primus registratum
Re: I'd like to speak to someone... even to a mirror.

Alo Tirona, si me kupton, me kupton o? si o? si si? si mo e the ate llafin se se degjova, /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif


Primus registratum
Re: I'd like to speak to someone... even to a mirror.

Sdua te flas.Dua qe fjalet te humbasin, te ikin larg larg meje.


Primus registratum
Re: I'd like to speak to someone... even to a mirror.

Do I like speaking to someone or to smth now???

Well smth won't give me an answer back, someone will.

Do I want an answer???

Yes I do.

Why do I want an answer back???

Because apparently I am answering my own questions..

So again do I want to speak to smth or someone???

Silence suits me better tonight.



Primus registratum
Re: I'd like to speak to someone... even to a mirror.

Shume interesante kjo teme.
Nuk mendoni se ka nje perkthim ne shqip?
Kush nuk di anglishten si une, sipas jush cfare duhet te beje, ti imagjinoj ato qe keni shkruar ju?
Dhe te mendosh qe deshira juaj eshte komunikimi me dike!

Ju lutem, mos mu pergjigjni: "meso anglishten!"