How do you recognize the Albanian in the USA


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How do you recognize the Albanian in the USA

im sure most have you have seen this but its till funny

You know you're Albanian when....

You are 24 and your mother still calls your cell phone.

You can name all your grandfathers in order dating back to the 15th century

You have an Albanian eagle tattoo on your arm with your last name writtenin old English.

There is either a black Mercedes or BMW on your driveway.

Your parents tell you stories about how they had to walk 8 miles in 5 feet of snow barefoot up hills and mountains just to go to school.

Raki is like holy water in your house you use it to cure all illnesses.

You wear an armani shirt when u work out or go to the gym.

The only cigarettes u smoke are marlboro reds and the only beer u drink is heineken.

You end up in jail on your brothers wedding day for shooting your 9mm inthe middle of the street durin the wedding gathering.

You claim every famous white rapper is part Albanian.

There has been a time when u were in Albanian Chat for 7 straight hours.

You open up a million dollar business and if it doesn't work out u burn it down and collect insurance

Atleast one time in your life u have owned a BMW M3

You have atleast one cousin who's in jail for murder

Whenever you're with an Albanian and you don't know their name u just callthem "ej Shqipe"

All of your dads co-workers know the history of Albania and Albanians.

You are ready to be a "nuse" when your 16 years old.

You didn't pass kindergarten because your parents never taught you how to speak English

You start smoking at the age of 13

You live in places like New York, New Jersey and Michigan
You invite 1,000 people to your wedding and you only know 300 of them

Your grandfather wears that white egg looking Albanian hat

You own a leather jacket

You either own a restaurant, Coney island, pizzeria, building, hotel, or construction company

You have atleast one aunt or uncle who lives in the Bronx

Your father is always trying to unite the Albanian community
You drive the most expensive car at your school

Your neighbors understand words like "ja qisha nanen" and "rafte pika"

All the hot Albanian guys/girls are somehow related to you

You go to Albanian parties and functions just to show off

Your mother calls all cereal "cherrjoza"

You can be killed in a blood feud and be known as a family hero

When you were in 10th grade u spray painted an Albanian eagle on your highschool

Your favorite hockey player is tie domi just because he's Albanian

You met your future husband/wife on AOL

You are known to vandalize nightclubs with your boys and cousins

You can be heard 3 blocks away blasting gezim nika and nikole nikprelaj greatest hits

You have more alcohol in your house then the local bar

Your mom yells at you in Albanian infront of your American girlfriends

Your grandmother steals silverware from restaurants

PS: Kjo eshte marre nga nje postim ne ezboard!


Primus registratum
Re: How do you recognize the Albanian in the USA


sidomos kjo e fundit, ja vuni kapakun! hahhahaha



Primus registratum
Re: How do you recognize the Albanian in the USA

kto jane t'forta por shifet qarte qe lista asht
perpunu nga shqiptare qe kane ardhe ktu qysh te vegjel ose nga shqiptare qe kane le ktu.

.. psh i started smoking/drinking at 6 /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif lol at 13 i quit


Primus registratum
Re: How do you recognize the Albanian in the USA

...edhe nje tjeter...

-you have been present to the only non-political killing during the mass at church, in catholic history...!

-most of the alb-girls you know go to church(specifically communion) only to be noticed...

-u'd hate if ud see an alb-girl dating a NEGRO, but u wouldnt really mind dating a pretty one urself, would u?


Primus registratum
Re: How do you recognize the Albanian in the USA

-somehow u have at leas 2 or 3 different "identity documents", all with different names on it...

Never Alone

Primus registratum
Re: How do you recognize the Albanian in the USA

You met your future husband/wife on AOL
Ose Napster edhe Kazaa


Primus registratum
Re: How do you recognize the Albanian in the USA

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :confused: :thumbsup: