Happy Faces All Around


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Happy Faces All Around

...Can there be such a thing as true happiness?

I recall watching a friend once, as she drank a milkshake. She enjoyed it immensely, only to realize when a few inches remained in the cup, that a dead insect was fouling her drink. At that point, she was completely revolted, so much so that it was quite awhile before she risked another shake. I often feel that way. When something wonderful happens, or when life is particularly easy, I look for the dead insect...


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Re: Happy Faces All Around

Fillimisht postuar nga *drops of enigma*:
...Can there be such a thing as true happiness?

I recall watching a friend once, as she drank a milkshake. She enjoyed it immensely, only to realize when a few inches remained in the cup, that a dead insect was fouling her drink. At that point, she was completely revolted, so much so that it was quite awhile before she risked another shake. I often feel that way. When something wonderful happens, or when life is particularly easy, I look for the dead insect...
Bjer Shehadet /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif


Valoris scriptorum
Re: Happy Faces All Around

Veshtire te gjesh nje moment tanime qe realisht te shijosh caste lumturie. Veshtire qe te gjesh qetesi ne vetvete dhe qofte dhe per pak kohe te prehesh shpirtin ne paqe. It seems impossible, at least here, on Earth.

Looking for the dead instict... wow - what a vivid description of what in fact we do everyday, moment after moment without even realizing it... Could it be that we have simply lost faith ? Could it be that unfortunately there is always 'dead insects' for us to ruin that glimpse of momentary happiness... or could it sadly be that we are USED to 'them' and can't do without... ?

... and I wonder ...


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Re: Happy Faces All Around

Fillimisht postuar nga Isabelle:
[qb] Could it be that we have simply lost faith ? Could it be that unfortunately there is always 'dead insects' for us to ruin that glimpse of momentary happiness... or could it sadly be that we are USED to 'them' and can't do without... ?

... and I wonder ... [/qb]
Are people just born with a "wait for the other shoe to drop" mentality or is it learned?
Mendoj se ka te beje shume gjithashtu me 'unpleasant experiences' ...
As I look back in my life, I realize that I had plenty of negative experiences.I remember a lot of them, so I'm assuming there were more, but I've forgotten some. I know that I go out of my way to avoid unpleasant experiences, who hasn't at least once! I remember becoming disillusioned about family, friends, acquaintances and the world in general. After all, I told myself, if you can't trust the people you know and love, who can u trust. Of course, the answer stares you in the mirror every morning, although I've just now tumbled to it...

Re: Happy Faces All Around

I dont see happy faces all arounf i see their true faces
wich is sad faces /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif and i get happy /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

ana karenina

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Re: Happy Faces All Around

I am a happy, sad, delusioned, angry, nervous, laughing, studip, uncertain, and trustfull face! :confused: Jemi te gjithe nga te gjitha llojet e fytyrave sepse jetojme te gjithe nga te gjitha llojet e gjendjeve shpirterore te mundshme. Shumicen e rasteve fatkeqesisht jemi unhappy faces sepse kerkojme pafundesisht, nuk kenaqemi pothuajse kurre, dhe vetem kur kthejme koken mbrapa shikojme se kemi qene nje happy face po nuk e kemi kuptuar :smash: Sa per insektin ne shake, e kerkojme sepse na jep emocion, dicka ndryshe, pavaresisht se e shemtuar po gjithsesi e afte te na veje ne levizje telat e ndjenjave dhe emocioneve qe shpeshhere i ndjejme te ngrira. Njera nga teorite e emocioneve thote qe po te qeshesh fizikisht i imponon vetes gezim, dhe jo ne te kundert. Tingellon stupit po eshte shume shpresedhenese. Pa provojeni njehere se si dihet :thumbsup:

ana karenina

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Re: Happy Faces All Around

Kinky po ca te them une :confused: nuk eshte teoria ime! Po provoni njehere te qeshni fizikisht gjate gjithe dites, me nje fjale ZGERDHIUNI :tipsy: Pastaj ti vete e the qe lumturia eshte nje cast, edhe happy face nje cast eshte, keshtu qe sa pa hic qeshni icik se lumturoheni per nje cast. Hmmm pastaj ndoshta edhe ju pelqen dhe filloni ta praktikoni aq shpesh sa vec kur t'ju mbushet mendja qe jeni lumturuar si pa dashje :thumbsup: Ej, sa per keshille: Une e kam provuar po nuk eci hic :wub: Po thashe ec mo po e them se lloje lloje, mua nuk me ecen, ty ndoshta po /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif

ana karenina

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Re: Happy Faces All Around

Mos e vrisni mendjen per te tjeret! E shumta do mendojne qe je i lumtur, neqoftese nuk mendojne keshtu, si ta kene punen. Ti vete pse qeke kaq i/e merzitur sot kinky? :wub:


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Re: Happy Faces All Around

Lumturia eshte e prekshme nga te gjithe,po ashtu dhe zhgenjimi shtrihet ne kembet e cdokujt.Pergjigja eshte,beso ne vehtvete!

Then its a matter of personal choice.Be happy or not,the responsibility is each individual's.So while I can't really remember truly happy moments in my past, in the future I plan to step over disappointment and grab happiness with both hands. I'll stop looking for that bug in the milkshake and start remembering how good it was before I found that ridiculous creature. I'll say to myself, well it is after all only a very small bug, and leave it at that.

THere, I feel happier already! /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif