Hackers News


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Hackers News

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WASHINGTON - The government and private technology experts warned Wednesday that hackers plan to attack thousands of Web sites Sunday in a loosely coordinated "contest" that could disrupt Internet traffic.

Organizers established a Web site, defacers-challenge.com, listing in broken English the rules for hackers who might participate. The Web site appeared to operate out of California and cautioned to "deface its crime" — an apparent acknowledgment that vandalizing Internet pages is illegal.

The Department of Homeland Security said Wednesday it was aware of the hackers' plans but did not expect to issue any formal public warnings. The Chief Information Officers Council, part of the Office of Management and Budget, cautioned U.S. agencies and instructed experts to tighten security at federal Web sites.

"Frankly, hacker challenges occur frequently, and we don't think they all rise to the level of a warning," Homeland Security spokesman David Wray said.

Home Internet users, who typically do not operate Web sites, probably would not be affected directly, said Oliver Friedrichs, the senior manager for security response at Symantec Corp.

An early-warning network for the technology industry, operating with Homeland Security, notified companies that it received "credible information" about the planned attacks and already has detected surveillance probes by hackers looking for weaknesses in corporate and government networks.

"We emphasize that all Web site administrators should ensure that their sites are not vulnerable," wrote Peter Allor of Internet Security Systems Inc., the Atlanta-based company that runs the Information Technology Information Sharing and Analysis Center.

Friedrichs, though, said Symantec's global monitoring network wasn't detecting unusual probes.

"We really haven't seen any of that activity," he said. "We're certainly going to keep watching and looking."

Separately, the New York Office of Cyber-Security and Critical Infrastructure Coordination warned Internet providers and other organizations that the goal of the hackers was to vandalize 6,000 Web sites in six hours.

New York officials urged companies to change default computer passwords, begin monitoring Web site activities more aggressively, remove unnecessary functions from server computers and apply the latest software repairs from vendors such as Microsoft Corp.

Chris Rouland, director of the X-force security team at ISS, said researchers monitoring underground chat rooms and other Internet activity detected a drop in the numbers of vandalized Web sites recently and an increase in the types of surveillance scans that typically precede computer break-ins.

"It's kind of a sand-bagging period," said Rouland, who predicted that hackers were quietly breaking into computers and waiting to vandalize them on Sunday.

The purported "prize" for participating hackers was 500-megabytes of online storage space, which made little sense to computer experts. They said hackers capable of breaking into thousands of computers could easily steal that amount of storage on corporate networks.

Join the club and hack!


Primus registratum
Re: Hackers News

Ja dhe resultati pas sulmit te websiteve qe u be kete te djele.

WASHINGTON - Parts of the Internet erupted Sunday in a battle among hackers, as factions disrupted a loosely coordinated "contest" among other groups trying to vandalize thousands of Web sites around the world.

Unknown attackers for hours knocked offline an independent security Web site, zone-h.org, that was verifying reports of online vandalism and being used by hackers to tally points for the competition, which drew warnings last week by the U.S. government and private technology experts.

Three such vigilante-style attacks forced the hacker organizer, who identified himself only as "Eleonora67," to extend the contest until 6 p.m. EDT Sunday. But with continued attacks disrupting the ability of vandals to claim credit for their break-ins, some experts said it could be later this week before damage from this weekend's hacking would be known.

By late Sunday afternoon, hackers claimed responsibility for vandalizing hundreds of mostly obscure Web sites, such as ones for Security Title Co. and the Heart of Montana Realty Services, both of Bozeman, Mont.

"We're just a teeny little company," said Barb Asper, whose husband, Don, is one of the owners for Montana Realty. In a telephone interview, Don Asper called the attack "bothersome," before he and his wife contacted the firm's Web site provider to have the vandalized page replaced.

There were no reports of vandalism involving flagship Internet sites most consumers would recognize, a testament to improved online security over the past decade inside large corporations, government agencies and organizations.

"We at least knew it was coming," said Peter Allor of Internet Security Systems Inc., which distributed a warning Wednesday about the contest using an alert system for technology companies. "We took some efforts to harden our sites."

Some of the relatively unknown Web sites vandalized Sunday, such as one for a church in California, were converted into informal reporting mechanisms for identifying other hacked sites.

Many security experts said the nickname of the hacker claiming responsibility for the contest, "Eleonora67," was unfamiliar.
Interesting job!


Primus registratum
Re: Hackers News

Ata jane me inteligjentet ne kete planet e jo vandal. Njerezit hedhin $$$ per te marre njohuri mbi kompjutera dhe programe gje qe ketyre personave nuk i mungojne. Ata nuk kane nevoje per mesime.
Vullneti te ben te zbulosh gjera me interesante qe disa i quajne "vandalizm".
Knowledge never ends and so does the web!


Primus registratum
Re: Hackers News

SACRAMENTO, Calif. - A hacker who has acknowledged involvement in computer break-ins at The New York Times, Yahoo! and other large corporations surrendered Tuesday on a federal arrest warrant related to alterations of The Times' databases.

AP Photo

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Adrian Lamo (news - web sites), 22, turned himself in to marshals at the federal courthouse in Sacramento, said FBI (news - web sites) spokeswoman Karen Twomey Ernst.

He is charged with altering The Times' databases between February and April 2002, causing The New York Times Co. damages exceeding $25,000.

An FBI affidavit says Lamo added his name, cell phone number and e-mail address to The Times' op-ed contributor list and its administrative database, listing his area of expertise as "computer hacking, national security, communications intelligence."

The complaint also says Lamo obtained more than $300,000 worth of services from the LexisNexis electronic information service during the same period by accessing The Times' LexisNexis account.

Lamo kept using LexisNexis to, among other things, search for mentions of his own name and exploits, according to an affidavit.

After an afternoon court appearance, Lamo was released into his parents' custody on $250,000 bail and ordered to report to the FBI's New York office Thursday.

A federal defender who represented him during the brief appearance had no comment.

Lamo has acknowledged involvement in some dramatic computer break-ins over the past several years at large corporations such as Worldcom and ExciteAtHome. He also acknowledged changing the text of at least one news story on Yahoo's Web site in September 2001.

The New York investigation became public a year ago, when a federal prosecutor tried unsuccessfully to subpoena an MSNBC reporter's notes, e-mails and other information about conversations with Lamo.

Lamo frequently uses public computers at copy stores for his hacking activities as he travels the nation. He has offered to work for free with his hacking victims after each break-in to improve the security of their networks.

More to come folks...


Forumium praecox
Re: Hackers News

Dhe pse nuk me pelqejne fare shkrimet e shumta jofrytdhenese, sidoqofte do ishte mire qe edhe neqoftese ka dicka interesante te cilen ti a dikush deshiron te paraqese per perdoruesit e AlbForumi't te perktheheshin ne "Shqip" pasi dhe forumi eshte i tille "Shqiptar".

Ose ne pamundesi vendos linkun e dokumentit origjinal te pakten ato qe kane interes ta lexojne te plote!


Primus registratum
Re: Hackers News

E drejte! Jo se e ndjejme veten injorant por sikur ka dhe lezet te degjosh dicka ne gjuhen tende. Ky eshte kontributi qe mund te jepni per ecjen perpara te albforumit mendoj. Se ju qe dini mire anglisht i jepni informacionet ne anglisht, une qe di me mire italisht po ja fus ne italisht, ndonje qe di gjermanisht frengjisht e keshtu me radhe e ku dalim pastaj? Nje perzjerje gjuhesh?


Primus registratum
Re: Hackers News

Ok. E drejte, po pertoja te perktheja gjith ate mesazh. Heren tjeter do mundohem ne shqip.
Flm. per sugjerimin.


Primus registratum
Re: Hackers News

Kompjuterat qe kane windows operating system, po behen viktime i nje virusi tjeter qe quher “Swen”. Ai identifikon veten si nje lajmerin official I Microsoft per nje virus alert.
Virusi perhapet me ane te postes elektronike dhe nuk kryen shume deme ne kompjuterin e infektuar, por ekspertet mendojne se autori e ka programuar qe virusi te duket njelloj si nje Microsoft security patch.
“Ky eshte nje nivel krijimi qe ne nuk e kemi pare ndojehere” – thot Tony Maganallez, nje inxhinier i F- systems (Finish anti-virus company). “Ky mesazh duket shume autentink qe padyshim perdor nje teknike shume te sofistikuar ne fushen e inxhinierise sociale.”
Ky “Worm” (krimb) perdor nje “flaw” – gabim qe eshte gjetur tek Microsoft Internet Explorer qe para 2 vjetesh dhe qe perdoret nga hacker-at per tu infiltruar ne kompjuterat qe ata infektojne. Personat qe nuk kane downloadur nje “patch” – pjese rregullimi te ketij gabimi jane te infektuar menjehere. Edhe personat qe kane downloadur kete “patch” mund te infektohen n.q.s klikojne nje mesazhin qe u vjen me ane te e-mailit. Pas klikimit, krimbi leshon ne dritare e njejte me ate qe perdor windows-i per instalimin e security update. Krimbi, identifikuar si program instalimi, ben kete pyetje: “Ky do te instaloj Microsoft Security Update. Doni te vazhdoni?”
Personat qe klikojne “Yes” do te pershendeten nga nje dritare grafike ku tregon edhe gjendjen e procesit te punes se kribit. Personat qe klikojne “No” jane te infektuar gjithashtu.
Pas instalimit, krimbi c’aktivizon programet e anti-virusit dhe firewallin si Norton Anti-Virus dhe ZoneAlarm.
Symantec (Anti-virus company of Norton) ka leshuar nje program falas per te hequr kete krimb dhe per te vene perseri ne pune antivirusin. Ky program punon per te gjithe sistemet e microsoftit edhe pse Norton Anti-virus nuk eshte i instaluar.
Ekspertet thone se krimbi nuk fshin ndonje dosje ose te krijoj viruse te tjere qe mund ti japi te drejte hacker-ave per te hyre ne kompjuter.
Kompjuterar e infektuar me Swen virus, ndonjehere hapin nje dritare ku thone se nuk mund te dergojne e-mail per arsye se emri i perdoruesit, e-maili ose fjalekalimi i e-mailit nuk jane te sakte.
Ekspertet e sigurise nuk jane ne gjendje te percaktojne n.q.s ky virus perpiqet te dergoje informacione me ane te e-mailit programuesit te tij ose jo.
Krimbi perpiqet te mbaj shenim te kompjuterave qe ai infekton. Perdoruesit e infektuar ndonjehere shikojne nje dritare qe pop up duke treguar nje numer me 6 shifra por expertet thone se numri qe jepet nuk miund te jete I sakte me numrin e kompjuterave te infektuar.
Sipas Symantec, krimbi po perhaper me nje shejtesi prej 800 kompjutera / ore.
Krimbi perhapet me ane te e-mailit te perdoruesit. Ata qe kane programin e Kazaa-s, krimbi futet ne dosjen e perbashket (shared folder) me shume emra si “aked sister”, “key generator”, “sick joke” dhe te tjere.
Swen afrohet ne majat e nje krimbi tjeter, “Blaster”, qe ne gusht sulmoi kompjuterat qe perdornin windows. Blasteri se bashku me disa varinte te tjera te krimbit, infektoj me shume se 500.000 kompjutera ne te gjith boten duke prishur mijera sisteme.
Me 10 shtator, Microsof tha se ka gjetur dy shtesa per sigurimin e sistemit operativ qe mund te parandalojne nje tjeter Blaster. Informacinet jane ne websitin e Microsoftit.

Informacioni marr nga Yahoo!
Perkthyer nga Me!


Primus registratum
Re: Hackers News

Tre faqet e Internetit qe ofrojne Anti- Spam (kunder- reklam), jane bllokuar nga sulmet e personave qe bejne keto reklama (Spam). Lufta teknologjike vjen si pasoje kur kongresi konsideroj ligjin e anti-spam dhe ligji i Californias lejon personat qe te gjobisin spammers me shumen nga 1.000$ deri ne 1.000.000$ per e-mail-et unsociale qe ata i nisin ne fushatat e tyre. Avokatet e anti-spam kane disa lista me adresat e kompjuterave jo te mbrojtur qe nisin spam-mails. (IP addresses).
Dy nga keto spam-list jane bllokuar pas sulmit “denial-of-service”, ku shume kompjutera jane perdorur per te derguar shume trafik ne nje website per ta bere ate te pavlefshme, temporare te bllokuar. Operatori i nje liste tjeter eshte fikur vet duke pasur friken e ndonje sulmi te till.
Monkeys.com u bllokua te henen duke ndjekur tre dite sulm gjate weekendit dhe nje sulm muajn e kaluar qe zgjati deri ne 10 dite.
Osiriusoft.com u bllokua te marten.
Ekspertet thone se spamers jane mbrapa ndonje krimbi (worm) si Sobig qe goditi para ca kohesh dhe infektoi mijera kompjutera dhe qe kthente keta kompjutera ne nje spam – attack.
Zgjidhja me e mire per perdoruesit eshte qe ata te mos blejne gjera qe jepem ne reklama (spam).


Primus registratum
Re: Hackers News

Ja dhe nje lajm tjeter...

Nje virus (e-mail-virus) tjeter ka filluar te perhapet te premten ne kompjuterat e korporatave dhe eshte destinuar per kompjuterat personal (home computers). Ekspertat e sigurise kompjuterike thane se perhapja e virusit do te ulet ne weekend.
Programuesit e anti-viruseve, Trend Micro tha se mijera kompjutera te kompanise se tyre ne France dhe Gjermani jane infektuar me kete virus, dyshuar si "Mimail.C."
Virusi perhapet shpejt sepse ai futet ne adresat qe gjenden ne "Address Book" te e-mailit, duke u dukur sikur mesazhi qe mban virusin eshte nisur nga nje shok/shoqe ose bashkepuntor/e, tha Raimund Genes, presidenti Europian i Trend Micro.
Trend dhe Network Associates Inc. e radhiten kete virus si kercenim "mesatar" duke e ngritur nga "niver i ulet" kercenimi, per shkak te nje numri te madh infektimi qe eshte raportuar ne nje kohe te shkurter.
Virusi vjen si nje *.zip file ose file i compresuar, ne nje e-mail me subjekt "fotot tona private" - "Our private photos". Teksti ne mesazh thote "Te gjitha fotot tona qe une i bera ne plazh" - " All our photos which I've made at the beatch" dhe eshte firmosur "Kiss, James".
Virusi dergon gjithashtu disa te dhena te panjohura ne nje server duke u munduar ta nxjeri kete server jasht servisit (jo te vlefshem) " denial of service". Ne kete lloj sulmi, "Hacker" instrukton kompjuterat e infektuar te mbingarkojne nje Website duke e bere ate te pa arritur nga vizitoret.
Sulmi dyshohet te jet per 4 Website me emer "darkprofits", sipas Network Association".


Primus registratum
Re: Hackers News

Kam shume kohe qe se updatur kete faqe po nejse. tani qe kam pak kohe do mundohemt te bej dicka.

Njew gje per ata qe jane te interesuar se si punon TCP/IP, per IT people, check out this link:


shkoni ke "movie"edhe downloadeni dhe shikojeni. shum interesante.
