Hacker ne shqiperi


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Hacker ne shqiperi

Ka hacker ne shqiperi qe banojne ne shqiperi dhe nese po ka ndonje adres ku ata kontaktojne ndonje adres te tyre ku ata nderrojne mendime?


Forumium praecox
Re: Hacker ne shqiperi

Une di qe ka plot webpage albhacker dhe shume te perparuara madje. Nese jetojne ne shqiperi nuk e di por shoh "punen" e tyre. Mgjt eshte fare e lehte kerko ne google "Albhack" do gjesh A.S.C ne vend te pare /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif psene do e shikosh aty /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Hacker ne shqiperi

Fillimisht postuar nga juxhin_fier:
[qb] Ka hacker ne shqiperi qe banojne ne shqiperi dhe nese po ka ndonje adres ku ata kontaktojne ndonje adres te tyre ku ata nderrojne mendime? [/qb]
Adresa eshte:

Burgu i Tiranes, Rruga "Mine Peza", Qelia 27, Tirane.


Forumium praecox
Re: Hacker ne shqiperi

lol duke vazhduar veprimtarine nga pc e drejtorit te burgut ky ? /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Hacker ne shqiperi

Fillimisht postuar nga AciD:
[qb] lol duke vazhduar veprimtarine nga pc e drejtorit te burgut ky ? /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif [/qb]
... Ose duke i ndihmuar me problemet qe kane me kompjuterin e burgut (Pentium I, 133 MHz...)


Primus registratum
Re: Hacker ne shqiperi

Jam shume kurioz ne e di se cfare do te thote hacker(nje person qe rregullon ose modifikon kode te gatshme ose implemnton teknika te reja ne inforamtike ose shkrimin e programeve) dhe cracker qe besoj je i interesuar ti qe merret me gjetjen e problemeve ne versionet binare te programeve dhe perfiton ne menyre ilegale nga to) /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif .

Hacker duhet te kete, cracker kerko verdalle se ka shume qe thone qe jane po une pa prova nuk u besoj /pf/images/graemlins/tongue.gif .



Primus registratum
Re: Hacker ne shqiperi

Fillimisht postuar nga qoska:
[qb] Jam shume kurioz ne e di se cfare do te thote hacker(nje person qe rregullon ose modifikon kode te gatshme ose implemnton teknika te reja ne inforamtike ose shkrimin e programeve) dhe cracker qe besoj je i interesuar ti qe merret me gjetjen e problemeve ne versionet binare te programeve dhe perfiton ne menyre ilegale nga to) /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif .

Hacker duhet te kete, cracker kerko verdalle se ka shume qe thone qe jane po une pa prova nuk u besoj /pf/images/graemlins/tongue.gif .

TUNG! [/qb]
Dmth Hacker sipas teje eshte "nje person qe rregullon ose modifikon kode te gatshme ose implemnton teknika te reja ne inforamtike ose shkrimin e programeve"!!!!!!!

Me fal, po ku e gjete ti kete perkufizim? Hape nje here fjalorin dhe shikoje perkufizimin e fjales. Hacker as rregullon as modifikon ndonje gje, vetem prish dhe zhfrytezon dobesite e te tjereve per te perfituar ne menyre te paligjshme, e jo me te implementoje teknika te reja ne informatike ose shkrimin e programeve.

Kurse cracker ka shume kuptime, dhe megjithese folja mund te lidhet me ate perkufizim qe i jep ti, nuk perdoret ne gjuhen e atij profesioni, i cili quhet Hacker.

Fundi i mesimit te gjuhes angleze per sot. /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Hacker ne shqiperi

Fundi i mesimit te gjuhes angleze per sot. [Smile]
Fillimi i mësimit të gjuhës angleze për sot:

Hacker is a term used to describe different types of computer experts, who employ a tactical, rather than strategic, approach to computer programming, administration, or security. An exception to the expert sense is use of the term by the popular media and the general population to mean "computer criminal," with no indication of level of skill, expertise, or understanding implied. In the field of computer security, hacker translates to a person able to exploit a system or gain unauthorized access through clever tactics and detailed knowledge. In computer programming, hacker means a programmer who hacks or reaches a goal by employing a series of small changes or additions to exploit or extend existing code or resources. In technical fields outside of computing, hacker is sometimes extended to mean an expert who has particularly detailed knowledge or cleverly circumvents limits.

Controversy and Ambiguity

The meaning of the term, when used in a computer context, has changed over the decades since it first came into use. It originally was simply used as a verb for "messing about" with (i.e. "I hack around with computers"). However, it has been given a different primary meaning by new users of the word which in some ways conflicts with the original meaning.

Currently, "hacker" is used in two main ways, one pejorative and one complimentary. In popular usage and in the media, it generally describes computer intruders or criminals. In the computing community, it describes a particularly brilliant programmer or technical expert (For example, "Linus Torvalds, the creator of Linux, is considered by some to be a genius 'hacker'."). The latter is said by some to be the "correct" usage of the word (see the Jargon File definition below).

The mainstream media's usage of the term may be traced back to the early 1980's (see History below). When the term was first used by the mainstream media in 1983, even those in the computer community refered to such activity as "hacking", although this was not the exclusive use of the word. In reaction to the increasing media use of the term exclusively in the criminal connotation, the computer community began to differentiate their terminology. Several alternative terms such as "black hat" and "cracker" were coined in an effort to distinguish between those performing criminal activities, and those whose activities were the legal ones refered to more frequently in the historical use of the term "hack". Despite this attempt to preserve the original meaning, since network news use of the term pertained primarily to the criminal activities, the mainstream media and general public continues to describe computer criminals with all levels of technical sophistication as "hackers" and does not generally make use of the word in any of its non-criminal connotations.

As a result of this difference, the term is the subject of some controversy. The pejorative connotation is disliked by many who identify themselves as hackers who do not like their label used negatively. Many advocate using the more recent and nuanced alternate terms when describing criminals and others who negatively take advantage of security flaws in software and hardware. Others prefer to follow common popular usage, arguing that the positive form is confusing and unlikely to become widespread in the general public. It is noteworthy, however, that the positive definition of hacker was widely used as the predominant form for many years before the negative definition was popularized.

"Hacker" can therefore be seen as a shibboleth, identifying those who use it in its technically-oriented sense (as opposed to the intrusion-oriented sense) as members of the computing community.

A possible middle ground position observes that "hacking" describes a collection of skills which are utilized by hackers of both descriptions for differing reasons. A useful analogy is locksmithing, specifically picking locks, which — aside from its being a skill with a fairly high tropism to 'classic' hacking — is a skill which can be used for good or evil. The primary weakness of this analogy is the popular usage of "hacker" to also describe script kiddies, despite their lack of an underlying skill and knowledge base.


Primus registratum
Re: Hacker ne shqiperi

Perkufizimi sipas Webster Dictionary

One entry found for hacker.

Main Entry: hack·er
Pronunciation: 'ha-k&r
Function: noun
: a person who illegally gains access to and sometimes tampers with information in a computer system

Kurse per cracker s'po them gje me teper, pervec se nuk perdoret ndonjehere, ose me sakte asnjehere, per ate perkufizim qe u permend ketu.


Primus registratum
Re: Hacker ne shqiperi

Truth_Master mesa shoh nuk qenke i fushes se inforamtikes ose je fillestar ne te.
Une skam ndermend te zbrz timen qe te mbush tenden gjithsesi degjo me shume dhe flit me pak.


Primus registratum
Re: Hacker ne shqiperi

Une nuk thashe qe jam i fushes se informatikes, por jam i fushes se gjuhes angleze. Ti ishe ai qe korrigjove hapesin e temes duke i thene se ishte gabim ne perdorjen e termave. Une te degjova ty me shume vemendje, por me vjen keq, je gabim.

S'eshte pune inati, por ashtu sic ti korrigjove ate qe mendoje qe ishte gabim, keshtu po korrigjohesh per gabimin tend. S'eshte ndonje pune e madhe.

P.S. Eshte Truth_Matters, jo Truth_Master.


Primus registratum
Re: Hacker ne shqiperi

Sigurisht Glamdring, është gabimi im :-(

Burimi është Enciklopedia e Lirë dhe, adresa nga ku është shkëputur pjesa është: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hacker

Truth_Matters, nëse të pëlqen, mund të përdorësh edhe sa në vijim:

"The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48"
hacker hack"er (ha^k"~er), n.
One who, or that which, hacks. Specifically: A cutting
instrument for making notches; esp., one used for notching
pine trees in collecting turpentine; a hack.
1913 Webster


Primus registratum
Re: Hacker ne shqiperi

Fillimisht postuar nga lor:
[qb] Truth_Matters, nëse të pëlqen, mund të përdorësh edhe sa në vijim:

"The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48"
hacker hack"er (ha^k"~er), n.
One who, or that which, hacks. Specifically: A cutting
instrument for making notches; esp., one used for notching
pine trees in collecting turpentine; a hack.
1913 Webster [/qb]
Une nuk thashe qe folja "to hack" nuk ka me shume se nje kuptim, por madje edhe nga ky perkufizim mund te kuptosh se kjo eshte ajo qe nje "hacker" ben me sistemet kompjuterike, ne kuptimin figurativ.

Megjithate, pse s'po na sjell perkufizimin e fjalorit per fjalen "cracker" meqenese "hacker" eshte gabim?

Per mua s'ka rendesi fare cfare fjale perdorni, por qe te thuash se "hacker" s'ka ate kuptim me te cilin u perdor ne hapje te temes eshte gabim.


Primus registratum
Re: Hacker ne shqiperi

Të kujt fjalori???

Tek adresa e mësipërme (wikipedia), konceptet janë të qarta (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hacker#Hacker:_Intruder_and_criminal)

Ja çfarë thotë p.sh. Whatis:
A cracker is someone who breaks into someone else's computer system, often on a network; bypasses passwords or licenses in computer programs; or in other ways intentionally breaches computer security. A cracker can be doing this for profit, maliciously, for some altruistic purpose or cause, or because the challenge is there. Some breaking-and-entering has been done ostensibly to point out weaknesses in a site's security system.

The term "cracker" is not to be confused with "hacker". Hackers generally deplore cracking. However, as Eric Raymond, compiler of The New Hacker's Dictionary notes, some journalists ascribe break-ins to "hackers."
Si gjithmonë, mund të shfrytëzosh edhe fjalorët e zakonshëm për të "kuptuar" termet në anglisht, si p.sh.:

Cracker Crack"er (kra^k"~er), n.
. A nickname to designate a poor white in some parts of the
Southern United States. --Bartlett.
1913 Webster


Primus registratum
Re: Hacker ne shqiperi

Fillimisht postuar nga lor:
[qb] Të kujt fjalori???

Tek adresa e mësipërme (wikipedia), konceptet janë të qarta (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hacker#Hacker:_Intruder_and_criminal)

Mesa duket ngeli puna tek perkufizimet e fjaloreve apo te enciklopedive.

Une perdora fjalorin Webster, qe mesa di une eshte me autoritar sesa ndonje enciklopedi.

Ndoshta nje nga keto te dy atehere mund te jete kuptimi i sakte:

Main Entry: crack·er
Pronunciation: 'kra-k&r
Function: noun
: chiefly dialect : a bragging liar : BOASTER
: a dry thin crispy baked bread product that may be leavened or unleavened


Primus registratum


Primus registratum
Re: Hacker ne shqiperi

Ketu mbetesh me goje hap :eek:
Sinqerisht qe nuk e dija perkufizimin e plote te hacker dhe craker!
Mesa kam lexuar dhe degjuar,hacker eshte dikush qe dijet dhe informacionin mbi informatiken i perdor per qellime perfitimi (ne kete rast,abuzimi) jo legale!
Une nuk e njoh mire Anglishten,por,"to hack" nuk do me thene me rremby,vjedh,akt dhunimi?
Ndersa per cracker,dija qe ishin personat te cilet me dijet e tyre vinin ne prove besueshmerine dhe kompabilitetin e programeve te reja (si rasti i testimit te IE 7).
Me falni per injorancen /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif