Forumium praecox
Nje lajm shume interesant dhe i habitshem.Ne Universitetin e Oksfordit ne Londer kane zbuluar nje metode
per te konvertuar co2 shin(dioksidin e karbonit) ne karburant/gazoline per avionat.
Ne te ardhmen kjo do evitoje perdorimin e gazolines tradicionale me origjine nga fosilet
per te konvertuar co2 shin(dioksidin e karbonit) ne karburant/gazoline per avionat.
Ne te ardhmen kjo do evitoje perdorimin e gazolines tradicionale me origjine nga fosilet
Oxford team directly converts CO2 to jet fuel using iron-based catalysts
Researchers at the University of Oxford have developed a method to convert CO2 directly into aviation fuel using a novel, inexpensive iron-based catalyst. The catalyst shows a carbon dioxide conversion through hydrogenation to hydrocarbons in the aviation jet fuel range of 38.2%, with a yield of...