Converting a site to Windows


Pan ignoramus
Converting a site to Windows

** Pjese e shkeputur nga artikulli ne link **

This white paper discusses the approach used to convert the Hotmail web server farm from UNIX to Windows 2000, and the reasons the features and techniques were chosen. It will focus primarily on the planners, developers, and system administrators. The purpose of the paper is to provide insight for similar deployments using Windows 2000. We will discuss the techniques from the viewpoint of human engineering as well as software engineering.

Early results from the conversion, which was limited to the front-end web servers, are:

n Windows 2000 provides much better throughput than UNIX.

n Windows 2000 provides slightly better performance than UNIX.

n There is potential, not yet realized, for stability of individual systems to be equal to that of UNIX. The load-balancing technology ensures that the user experience of the service is that stability is as good as it was before the conversion.

n As this paper will show, while the core features of Windows 2000 are able to run the service, its administrative model is not well suited to the conversion.

The observations related here are derived from experience gained at a single site. More work would be needed to establish whether they are representative.


Disi i gjate si artikull por sidoqofte i vlefshem per kuriozet dhe per te pare disa nga "pse"-te dhe "si"-te e diferencave legjendare UNIX/Windows, duke e lexuar artikullit pertej aspektit komercial te tij ne pershkrimin e nderrimit te sitemeve UNIX me Windows hap pas hapi.
Blerja e HotMail nga MicroSoft u be qe ne 1997. Konvertimi i sitemeve nga UNIX ne Windows atehere deshtoi, dhe sot e kesaj dite eshte arritur nje konvertim mbi bazen e Win2000, qe akoma nuk eshte e plote dhe ka ende funksione te implementuara nga Sun (me sa di une).
Kush te kete komente le te shkruaje ketu.

"when God created sunrise, He was trying to copy your smile."


Primus registratum
Re: Converting a site to Windows

ndoshta kjo mund te shihej ne perspektive nese do hidhej pyetja, a mund te konvertohet eBay ne Unix.


Pan ignoramus
Re: Converting a site to Windows

Disi jashte teme kjo qe po shtoj, por nuk e kisha pare me perpara:
Grafik per web server population


"When God created sunrise, He was trying to copy your smile."


Primus registratum
Re: Converting a site to Windows

ndoshta duhet te shikosh SSL-Survey ne te njejten faqe. Do shikosh qe 75% e Apache sites jane ... non-commercial... free...


Primus registratum
Re: Converting a site to Windows

The company(Internet Security Systems) faced loud complaints last April after it released news of a security hole in the popular open-source Web server software, Apache, having given the application's developers only a few hours to respond. Two times since then, the company's policy on the timing of advisories has been questioned by its peers.

Ohh...I was led to believe that security-hole and open-source software are mutually exclusive..


Pan ignoramus
Re: Converting a site to Windows

Fillimisht postuar nga bscemscs:
[qb] Two times since then, the company's policy on the timing of advisories has been questioned by its peers.
They don't go out draining and squeezing pennies out of these peers either, do they?

[qb]Ohh...I was led to believe that security-hole and open-source software are mutually exclusive..[/qb]
It's clear that whomever told you that is a complete moron, liar and FUD spreader! Kill them all! /pf/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

"When God created sunrise, He was trying to copy your smile."


Pan ignoramus
Re: Converting a site to Windows

Because of these issues and because IIS is such a popular Web server for its tight Windows integration, ease of use and functionality (just under 30 percent of all Web sites run IIS, according to Web survey company Netcraft Ltd.), the number of infected IIS servers on the Internet is tremendous. And each infected server generates a lot of attacks on its own.

To see for ourselves how long a default installation of IIS would last in the wild, eWeek Labs connected a fresh install of Windows 2000 Server to the outside Internet. As an arbitrary deadline, we immediately started downloading the network install of Windows 2000 Service Pack 2 and disconnected from the network when it was done.

The 110MB download took 25 minutes. For the first 15 minutes, we didn't see any HTTP traffic at all; in the last 10 minutes of the download, we were infected with Nimda twice —once from two different servers and several times by our own server reinfecting itself.

Sidoqofte ideja nuk eshte per te nxjerre artikuj per te mbrojtur kete apo ate. Jam i sigurte se nga te dy anet ka info, teste dhe artikuj pa fund. Jo te tere kane vizionin e eBay dhe kartave te kreditit para syve kur jane duke bere browsing ne internet. Ama te tere e konsiderojne "a pain in the bloody arse" te marrin Nimda nga nje server 'just by browsing'. (Blame it on the lazy admin).
Dhe se fundi.. flame bait is lame! /pf/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

"When God created sunrise, He was trying to copy your smile."