Confessions of a guilty womb .....................


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Confessions of a guilty womb .....................

It happens every so often ….typically when my decision-making embraces traditional rejection ….when my ego feels bigger than you…when my freedom tastes sweeter than togetherness….I feel this clinch down my womb ….my conscious troubled….my body pausing…I recognize the feeling : GUILT ……….GUILTY- when floating around just as woman…not woman the mother…woman the wife ...woman the lover… woman the house chores…woman the sister….woman the daughter……when for a brief moment …my selfishness is supposed to feel powerful, rejuvenating withers to guilt and sins …….scanning the world outside myself I locate same feeling in my own kinds ( my sister, my mother, my friends)…..detecting zero similarities in the other "kind" (men).

Why is it the women feel guiltier than men?


Primus registratum
Re: Confessions of a guilty womb .....................

You think is GOD that brings this upon us?!
How can God dispense this venomous guilt on us for uncommitted sins? ….how can he punish the purest of his creations….the reproductive soil of his empire: The Woman-mother of his children….entertainer of his earth ..hmmm....come to think of it he can!…I do believe he is a male delusion..

So I say screw GOD…..Wish I was the Gardner of Life ….with each pain and tear of my sisters I would plant a flower.... and awaiting for their blossom …I would drink cups filled with sinful nectar....peacefully in my Amazon Garden /ubb/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

true confidental

Forumium maestatis
Re: Confessions of a guilty womb .....................

Because we are more conflicted inside ……,because we can never fail to foresee the imperfections unless we choose so…
Guilt is the consciousness of wrong doing ………but are we really doing anything wrong?? Even if smb can say yes …… …….I agree .Screw it, him/ her . I’ m going to do it anyway…..cos it’s a free will /ubb/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/tonguee.gif ……..I know what’s best , but sometimes I choose to pursue the opposite …… feed this *need* is part of a routine *madness* ……and we are a bit lazy to fully integrate ourselves all the time ……

Hmmm… wondering if guilt is the proper term ……… ………may be a bit of disappointment or just the sense of being too responsible …

P.S Are those sinful cups ? filled with pleasurable activities that effects the brain just like a male being addicted of watching porn movies and never feeling guilt for doing so ? /ubb/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/tonguee.gif

lol, I have stopped being guilty long time ago …and I guess u have stopped too /ubb/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/pippiripi.gif


Re: Confessions of a guilty womb .....................

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Dolvil</div><div class="ubbcode-body">You think is GOD that brings this upon us?!
How can God dispense this venomous guilt on us for uncommitted sins? ….how can he punish the purest of his creations….the reproductive soil of his empire: The Woman-mother of his children….entertainer of his earth ..hmmm....come to think of it he can!…I do believe he is a male delusion..</div></div>

God made the Garden of Eden, planted two magical trees in it and custom built two humans to cultivate and guard it. They walked around naked because they didn't know that it was bad.
Once they found out it was bad, God expelled them from the Garden. Now they wouldn't get to eat from the tree of eternal life and they had to work hard for their food and childbirth and pregnancy became even more difficult and painful than it already was. Also, women were made subject to men, because it was Eve who did the science experiment of what would happen if she touched the fruit? What would happen if she ate it? With the snake's encouragement she questioned God's motives and dared consider that maybe God had lied to her. The man was more docile, didn't think for himself and just basically went along with whatever someone told him to do.

That's why women don't run Christian Churches. They think things they aren't supposed to think and ask questions they are not allowed to ask. They are troublemakers and need to be subdued. Like me!

The only thing I Blame Eve of is that she doomed me to a mortal life- Of Course only if I truly believed in the 'Creation from God theory' it the case though?


Primus registratum
Re: Confessions of a guilty womb .....................

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Shea</div><div class="ubbcode-body">

That's why women don't run Christian Churches. They think things they aren't supposed to think and ask questions they are not allowed to ask. They are troublemakers and need to be subdued. Like me!




Primus registratum
Re: Confessions of a guilty womb .....................

Pse e fusni Zotin edhe aty ku s'ka pune? Ishte thjesht nje rrefim qe vinte nga thellesia e shpirtit...thjesht kaq.


Re: Confessions of a guilty womb .....................

Me teper se per Zotin, komenti ishte per rolin e femres.

Varet si interpretohet.
Re: Confessions of a guilty womb .................

Dol' did not say God brings anything upon women. God IS, and women know IT (genderless) or are closer to IT in any case. It's a compliment most modern women don't get, because they don't want to be closer to God they want to be closer to MEN (maleness). I know I am not making myself clearer but this is just about as many words as I can afford before they start to dilute my meaning.

Guilt just like pain, jealousy, possessiveness, fear are alpha emotions, yet so many focus on lesser bi-products like happiness or love (which are not really emotions anyways but intellectual ideas). Women poor things, are misguided in their pursuits, more then ever they are craving the mediocre. Would you have written this if you were not feeling guilty about your guilt? Would you have had a chance to inch closer to God?


Primus registratum
Re: Confessions of a guilty womb .................

Pikerisht Shea...ishte mbi femren dhe vinte ne menyre shume personale nga nje femer.

Nelka, nuk e kuptoj c'hyn Zoti ketu? Po ta heqesh Zotin si faktor (ketu), do shikosh qe eshte thjesht nje rrefim njerezor, femeror, i sinqerte, me mendime qe rrjedhin lehte pa iu vene asnje pengese nga vetja...eshte thjeshte ajo qe duket.
Re: Confessions of a guilty womb .................

Sweet, mos u lodh me se s'ke per te kuptuar se c'hyn Zoti, po thuaj ndonje gje mbi subjektin (femra- te ndjerit ne faj) se deri tani vec na ke dhene direktiva se si duhet ta kuptojme autoren. /ubb/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif

Meqe ra llafi ti se ke kuptuar hic qellimin e autores. Po te ishte thjesht nje rrefim femeror, njerezor -or -or s'do kishte hap teme shoqja po do kish postuar tek copezat e mendimeve, ditari, apo ajo me e preferuara Percartje.


Primus registratum
Re: Confessions of a guilty womb .................

Normal qe nuk kam per ta kuptuar c'hyn Zoti ketu per sa kohe ti qe e permende nuk e shpjegon.E nqs do ta beje shqip besoj se do ishte me lehte per te gjithe.

Ajo qe doja te thoja UNE eshte qe nuk ka pse te futet Zoti ngado, gjerat shpjegohen e kuptohen fare thjesht edhe ndryshe.Ajo qe do te thuash TI duket qe eshte ndryshe dhe ndaj te kam pyetur dy here per kete, qe te me besh te kuptoj qellimin e autores /ubb/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Confessions of a guilty womb .................

Faji per gjuhen eshte i imi...por fatekeqesisht duke jetuar ne nji ambient dygjuhes...nuk e kontrollon dot gjuhen e rrjedhes se mendimeve....
Ideja me lindi tek lexoja nji artikull per nji nene qe rrefente deshperimin e saj pas lindjes se femijes per te cilen ajo ndihej e penduar...edhe fakti qe ishte nene e kishte lene shume te zhgenjyer...edhe shpesh here e mbyllte veten ne banjo te ishte sa me larg femijes qe qante sepse nuk donte qe te lendonte femijen ne asnje lloj menyre....edhe ndihej shume shume shume fajtore edhe nuk kishte askend qe ta ndihmonte ne ato momente .....tani ajo eshte gjyshe e vjeter edhe pse triumfoi si nene akoma ndihej fajtore per ndenjat edhe deshperimin e saj dikur....mgjthese eshte per te admiruar si ajo e kishte gelltitur dhimbjen edhe ndenjat e saj edhe i kishte dhene shpirtit fuqi per te vazhduar me tej .....edhe pasi mbarova se lexuari pyetja ime e pare ishte :ku ishte babi i femijes ne ato momente?...edhe me beri te mendoj qe ka disa pergjesira ne jeta qe i perkasin femres per ti permbushur...edhe nqs ajo refuzon ndihet nji boshllek i madh...edhe shpesh here ky refuzim edhe pse eshte e drejta jote si femer te marresh ate vendim shpesh here te ben te ndihesh fajtore...............ndaj edhe me lindi pyetja PERSE?....deshira ime eshte qe ktu te shprehim jo sesben ne menyre literale edhe figurative ...momente te tilla qe na bejne "fajtore" pa bere aktualisht ndonje faj edhe perballimin e tyre....

p.s. kam akoma me shume per thene...por kafja e pare deri ne kete pike me con...duke menduar qe eshte edhe e hene /ubb/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Confessions of a guilty womb .................

Po dol...kete kisha kuptuar pak a shume edhe une...per momentet kur nje femer do te ndihet thjesht femer duke anashkaluar "detyrimet" qe i vijne nga fakti i te qenit femer...te qenit nene, bashkeshorte, moter...por edhe nqs per nje fragment te vetem e le veten pre te ketyre deshirave te cuditshme, atehere ndihet ne faj ne menyre te tmerrshme.
Shpesh i duhet te perballoje e vetme shume situata...e ndjehet gjithsesi ne faj nqs nuk pranon ti perballoje vetem...eshte ne menyre konstante e shoqeruar nga ndjenja faji nqs nuk mendon, vepron e jeton per te tjeret...


Re: Confessions of a guilty womb .................

...gjithesesi mendoj se 'faji nuk ka gjini'. Nuk mund ta kuptoj sjelljen e kesaj femre pasi nuk jam nene, por di ne te njejten kohe qe personi i fundit qe mund te fajesoj une per dicka eshte vetja ime. Gjithmone te tjeret e kane gabim. Asnjehere une.

Pak a shume ky atomi i mesiperm eshte pjese e qelizes se madhe:

Nqs nje mashkull shperthen ne lot ne mes te punes, koleget e tij vrapojne per ta ngushelluar, e nderkohe nqs nje femer fillon e qan, qofte dhe pa ze, shqetesimi I saj nuk vihet re. Perse ndodhin keto reagime te ndryshme?
Ne fjalet e Janice Kelly, Ph.D. psikologe ne Purdue University, cdo gje varet prej asaj qe nuk pritet. Pra, reagimi I menjehershem ndaj loteve te mashkullit, ndodh sepse mashkulli nuk duhet te qaj, nuk pritet qe te qaj, ndersa nje femer e ka te zakonshme.
Kerkimet ne kete fushe tregojne se kur meshkujt dhe femrat shfaqin ndjenja qe nuk jane konsistente me gjinine e tyre, te tjeret mendojne se keto emocione jane me te verteta dhe me te sinqerta. Meshkujt priten te shfaqin inat, nerva, kokefortesi dhe femrat priten te jene te lumtura, te kene frike dhe te jene te trishtuara. Pra, nje femer duke qare, eshte nje nder te shumtat, e nderkohe nje mashkull ne gjendje te trishte ehste shume e rralle dhe per pasoje njerezit mendojne se ai duhet te jete ne maje te nje humnere. Ne te njejten menyre, kur nje mashkull ehste I inatosur eshte thjesht normale, por kur nje femer eshte e tille konsiderohet si e xhindosur, ose e cmendur.

Femrat shihen si tipike emocionale dhe reagimet e tyre jane gjithenje te hiperbolizuara. ndjenja e fajit eshte me prezente ne to kur ato 'falimentojne' te permbushin ate per te cilen persupozohet se jane te destinuara. Nje mashkull I cili ka panik ne nje situate stresuese shihet si I sinqerte, e nderkohe nje femer do te shihej sikur po I zmadhon gjerat me teper sec jane.


Forumium maestatis
Re: Confessions of a guilty womb .................

eshte si ajo teknika auto-sugjestionuese qe perdoret sot ne perendim. Ne nje kasete me nje ze hipnotizues nje person te perserit keto fjale qe te te bindte ta lesh duhanin: Ti je njeri i lire. Ti nuk e ke qejf duhanin. Duhani te ben keq per shendetit. Ti nuk ke per te pire me duhan etj etj etj

Zevendesoi keto fjale me nje predikimin mbi rolin amesor dhe rolin pareson te riprodhimit, luaje kete kasete per me shume se 2000 vjet dhe ke nje shpelarje truri nderbrezore, e cila te shtyn kah ndjenja e fajit.

Interesant, prej disa muaj po mendoj te shkruaj dicka ne lidhje me kete teme, edhe pse dua te trajtoj fajin ne nje kendveshtrim me te perbotshem...


Primus registratum
Re: Confessions of a guilty womb .................

Shpelarja e trurit eshte e ashtu edhe liria femres eshte nji koncept shume i limituar ...

Po lexoja nji artikull tjeter qe me beri te mendoj ne lidhje me kete teme....nji femer karrieriste e apasionuar si cdo femer me blerje kepucesh....refente si ja mbante ne fshehtesi burrit shpenzimet e saja te kepuceve mgjthse ajo kishte aq shume te ardhura sa i dilnin edhe i tepronin....por e stepur edhe fajtore ne vetveten e saj ndaj ketyre shpenzimeve fshihnte cmimin e kepuceve edhe preferonte te genjente ....shpjegimi i saj qe 1 burre nuk do e kuptonte kurre pse nji femer duhet te kete me shume se 1 pale kepuce te zeza!

Cudi apo e vertet?


Re: Confessions of a guilty womb .................

Nuk ben cudi. Mua me ndodh jo me kepucet por me unazat. Kam nje numer te konsiderueshem te madh unazash dhe sa here qe ble me duhet te gjej justifikime te tipit: "Ishin ne ulje cmimi"..."Ma bene dhurate" etj. Pse-ne as vete nuk e di. Si kemi problem fare parate...por edhe une ndihem ne 'faj' ndonjehere (jo kur i ble) por kur e shikoj qe ai nuk ka nje mani te tille...derisa me bien permend parfumet/dvd/cd e tija qe i ka rradhe, e shkoj e blej dhe nje unaze tjeter si per te ngushelluar vehten per ndjenjen e panevojshme te fajit.
Re: Confessions of a guilty womb .................

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Dolvil</div><div class="ubbcode-body">

mgjthse ajo kishte aq shume te ardhura sa i dilnin edhe i tepronin.... </div></div>

Se besoj! Ne fakt kur mireqenia e nje cifti eshte e larte (kur kane aq sa tu teprojne) rendom ndodh qe femra e mban per vete gjithe rrogen e saj dhe jetesen e "sponsorizojne" me rrogen e burrit. Ose kontribuon ne menyre modeste. E ke pare te ndodhe ndonjehere e anasjellta? Do behej nami! Femrat qe bejne rroge me te larte se burrat e tyre shpenzojne shume me teper per qejfe personale se sa nje mashkull ne vend te tyre, sepse meshkujt e shikojne rrogen(ne pergjithesi) si prone te familjes, biles u thone grave ta manaxhojne ekonomine familjare.

Ne fakt nuk e besoj se ajo grua apo Shea me lart ndihen fajtore prej burrave te tyre, por prej ndergjegjesimit, qe NUK kane nevoje per gjithe ato xhingla mingla. Shoqet e mia beqo ndihen po aq fajtore per rraqet qe akumulojne.

Ndergjegjesimi megjithate nuk eshte mallkim eshte plus /ubb/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/pickellonja.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Confessions of a guilty womb .................

O Nelka, po sa te bukur te kam une ty moj !!!!!!!!!!!! /ubb/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wub.gif