Windows 7 from today begins the sale

Windows 7 from today begins the sale


This day represents a new twist in the software giant Tabor. According to projections in Microsoft operating system Windows 7 should be raised image of the company and remove the damage which has caused him pending Vista better.</p>

The whole world has started selling the latest version of Microsoft’s software package. According to information before the users who have used, Windows 7 represents a perfect product, of his appearance on the market without a problem can be measured with the emergence of the system which today has remained popular – Windows XP.</p>

Users who want to pass to Windows 7 could do just as they did with earlier versions of Microsoft operating systems – and integrated it into the current system or shift completely “clean” in Windows 7.</p>

Besides the introduction of Windows 7, Microsoft launched a new advertising campaign called “I’m a PC”, within which will carry the experiences with the new version of Windows.</p>

Get here Windows 7</p>

Windows 7</p>
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