Acer quickly smart phone

Acer quickly smart phone


Liquid smart phone from Acer comes with Android operating system 1.6 and the company Qualcomm Snapdragon processor discreet working from 1 GHz.</p>

Acer has introduced its first phone based on the smart operating system Google Android company. This cell is labeled Liquid. Mobile is the first one that comes with this version 1.6 operating system, according to claims from Acer while he also is fastest market.</p>

Display is sensitive to touch and has resolution of 800 x 480 pixels, is integrated from 5 Megapixel Camera with auto-focus and GPS.</p>

Acer also has offered somewhat to accommodate the integration view of contacts from Facebook and Twitter to the list of names in mobile, with the opportunity to display their automatic statutes.</p>

Complete equipment specifications and details for access to the sale of prices will be published after a while.</p>
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